More clarity on teens' 'Am I pretty?' videos

By Anne Collier The thoughtful New York Times story begins with a 13-year-old New Jersey girl posting her “Am I pretty?” video on YouTube. I won’t steal its thunder, so I hope you’ll read it. But I do want to highlight the points most helpful...

Zooming in on social norms (sidebar)

By Anne Collier This is a sidebar to my earlier post about social norms as one of the solutions to social cruelty online. Social norms are practically super powers. As I mentioned in my main post, this doesn’t occur to us much because, well, these are norms,...

For our kids & ourselves: Presence in a digital age

By Anne Collier Presence has never been harder or more needed – in this age of hyper transparency, connection, opinion and information, all in a media environment that’s networked, so that “speed of delivery” is a calculation of the past (it’s...

Privacy and security tips for newly-minted college students

This post first appeared on by Larry Magid Congratulations. After a long and sometimes stressful childhood you (or your teen) are ready for college. It’s a big step that involves a great deal of freedom and independence and an exciting time. When I...