Bullying: How an 'authoritative' parenting style can help

By Anne Collier When my friend and colleague Jason Brand, a Berkeley, Calif.-based family therapist, points an article out to me, I pay attention. He and I were discussing resilience as a protective factor in children’s use of social media, and Jason pointed out...

A techie dad's perspective on school

By Anne Collier The subhead of this post might be: “Writing code as an extracurricular activity” or Venturebeat’s headline, “Why your 8-year-old should be coding,” or just “Let them learn code!” Another article about Harvard...

Consider the possibility of kids' self-regulation of digital media

By Anne Collier Are iPads bad for little children? I ask that metaphorically, for two reasons: because iPads represent a host of tablets and other touchscreen devices children seem to play with joyfully and intuitively, and because that attraction makes it extra hard...